How to Schedule a Make Up Class

How to Schedule a Make Up Class

At PGA, we offer unlimited make-up classes to accommodate your schedule!

If you miss a class, you'll receive a “Make-up Token” and have 30 days to use it. Make-ups can be scheduled through your Customer Portal, but to pre-schedule a missed class, email our front office at

You can make up in any like-leveled class, subject to availability. We do not have designated make-up classes. No cash refunds or prorated tuition are offered for absences. If PGA cancels a class, you’ll receive a Make-up Token or account credit.

How to Schedule a Make-up Class

1.Log On To the Parent Portal:  

2. Go to “My Account”

3. You will see your students. Click “Makeups”

4. Click “Use Makeup Token”